Dave Hill (Macbeth), Vicky Sharp, Tara MacGowran, Hannah Galliers (The Witches). Macbeth, Downpour Theatre Co. Photo Rupert Russel 2019 Tara MacGowran (Lord) and Adam Wright (Lennox) in Macbeth, Downpour Theatre Co. 2019 Photo by Stewart McPherson Tara MacGowran (Lady Macduff) and Amy Baker.(Macduff’s Child). Macbeth, Downpour Theatre Co. 2019 Photo Stewart McPherson. Tara MacGowran (Lady Macbeth) Anubis Productions. Photo by Alan Howard. 2019. Anubis Productions ~ Macbeth

From February till early November I’ve been involved all this year, in some stage of production, in two very different and very exciting productions of Macbeth. It feels very strange to be leaving the story of the thane behind now. At least for a bit. The two productions couldn’t have been more different in style but equally fascinating to work on. The first, set in the time of the historical Macbeth involved multi media aspects and Macbeth and Banquo have been “encouraged” into opium addiction by the witches. The second, a dystopian near future vision. It was a joy to work on both these shows with two wonderful casts. Across the two shows I have this year been Lady Macbeth, Lady Macduff, Witch and Lord.